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More and more small businesses are converting their data to the cloud. According to Forbes, 78% of small businesses will have completely switched to the cloud by 2020. How do you know if the cloud will be the best fit for your business?

Cloud computing is a great way for business owners to spend less money, employees to work more efficiently, and the business to grow. Here are 6 reasons why your business should be using the cloud:

1. It’s Easy

There’s a lot less to worry about when all of your data is accessible from the cloud. Six years from now with the cloud, you won’t have to worry about what to do with the useless bulk of equipment that won’t run the latest software needed to store your business’ data. The cloud allows for an immediate way to store data without worrying about hardware, system security, backup, disaster recovery, operating system upgrades, and more. Although this flexible solution is appropriate for any type of business, it’s especially relevant to smaller businesses without their own internal IT department and limited budgets. Adding or removing resources and employees is a much easier process with the cloud. Employees can also work remotely because the cloud can be accessed from anywhere.

Cloud uploading from mobile phone for file sharing and collaboration

2. It’s Scalable

This solution is especially beneficial to companies constantly changing and growing. A small business will come across many rapid market demands and the cloud can expedite the response to those demands. No matter how much your business increases or decreases, the cloud will always conform to what your business needs. If your business needs an increase in cloud capacity, it’s easy to use the remote servers to scale up. On the other hand, if your business needs a decrease in cloud capacity, it’s easy to scale down. This is a huge advantage over an on-premise server. The ability to easily scale up or down within the cloud will save your business time and frustration.

3. It Provides Easy Recovery

If your business uses the cloud, that means you won’t have to worry about a freak fire in the server room or old, chewed up wires. Having the right service will make it easy for you to use the best practices like automated backups, built-in redundancies, and automated software updates. If any sort of crash or disaster were to happen to your physical server, your business loses all of its data with little guarantee of recovery. The cloud is always there and is always storing your business’ data. You also wouldn’t have to worry about the data from an employee losing a work device or stolen devices. Because your data is in the cloud, you and your employees can access it no matter what happens to your device.

4. It’s Cheaper

C loud services are often subscription-based and have a monthly fee that changes with how your business changes. A huge benefit of this pay-as-you-go method is that you are not required to pay a heavy payment upfront just to uncover all the hidden ongoing costs. Cloud subscription costs are manageable and you know exactly how much everything will be every time.

5. It Creates Better Teamwork

Referring back to the easiness and accessibility of the cloud, employees can now collaborate in a much more simple way. Sharing files takes nothing more than a button rather than printing and scanning, or transferring through USBs. Employees can form better work relationships, even from various locations for multiple offices. Increased collaboration due to the ease of simultaneous syncing, working and sharing documents also increases the efficiency of employees and work environment as a whole. Teams can access, edit and share documents from anywhere at anytime and this helps them do better.

6. It’s More Secure

Remote services often provide the highest level of security. Cloud service providers that are in compliance with SOC2 and SSAE16 must meet certain requirements for monitoring and security. The requirements ensure that your business and all of its data have enterprise class protection. Even if your business has its own internal IT department, using a service provider for the cloud gives your business the highest level of protection.

Thinking about migrating your business to the cloud? Our team of experts at Data One Networks can help you get your entire office set up or migrate all of your data.